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Ben Carson's 6 Steps To Success in the GOP

Step One. Helping folks to forget you are black by speaking softly.

If you are to progress through the GOP you have to master the art of helping folks forget you are actually black. Republicans believe blacks are naturally angry, and the old tar, feather and lynch mood comes over them whenever black folks get up in their faces. Learn to speak softly and in measured tones. Speaking softly reassures the folks you have successfully buried your natural aggressive ghetto instincts way down deep in your soul. Also, make sure to maintain a measured, even tone for 45-67 minutes a day when you’re around the folks. They'll soon grow confident you won’t crumble under the strain of maintaining a positive white mind-set and may even invite you out to dinner. The journey from the diner to the golf course is not as far as you might think.

Examples of excellent soft speaking and sustained measured tones: Barack Obama. Condoleezza Rice. Dr. Ben Carson.

Step Two. Under no circumstances must you ever, ever play the race card.

If you go for a drink with an “America First” pal and find yourself sitting at a bar over-flowing with Confederate flags, and the bearded, angry looking bar man scratching away at his natty Aryan nation tattoos refuses to serve you, don’t wonder out loud if it’s because you’re black. Rather, suggest he's being standoffish because you support the New York Yankees.

Outstanding leaders who have made it good by turning the other cheek: O.J. Simpson. Tiger Woods. Michael Jordan.

Step Three. Regularly remind the folks that black people often treated you worse than they treated whites.

If you’re out with the folks and you come across an unseemly street argument between a thuggish angry person and a regular person, make sure you speak openly about your own loathing and fear of  "noisy thugs”. Take the time to reminisce about your early life. Don’t leave out the endless beatings you got from, glassy-eyed, drug dealers after you refused to run drugs for them. Show them the stab wound on your hip, the one you got after you refused to allow a local pimp to prostitute out your mother. Part your hair to one-side and show the stab wound along your scalp, the one you got when you broke into a crack-house to rescue your seven, intellectually challenged half-sisters.

Focus on the key outtake the folks need to know: 1) You understand why they’re nervous around certain types of people. You’ve seen dark, murderous thug rage up close – and it’s real! 2) Now the folks can talk openly about their true feelings they will bond with you. In no time at all you will move on from being a "well-behaved colleague" to a "trusted friend".

Step Four. When speaking about poor blacks reassure nervous Republicans they have no need to feel guilty.

If you ever find yourself at a small meeting overflowing with decent, hard working folks, wait for the right moment and then let them know they’re right to resent lazy welfare queens and crack addicted grave robbers. They should know you grew up in a deadbeat neighbourhood that made Sodom and Gomorrah look like the main bathroom in the executive suite of Trump Tower; speak of the awful brown sediment at the bottom of  your broken down school’s ramshackled swimming pool; talk about stepping over broken HIV infested needles when trying to visit the sloven, unrepentently alcoholic school principal. Your home (it was more of a barn really, and much better suited to hosting a few underfed lambs and a starving shepherd) had no  electricity, and you had to cleanse your drinking water by boiling it in one of your socks. Despite all of these obstacles you still emerged as the CEO of the hottest tech company in Silicon Valley without taking a penny of welfare money or any tax credits from ANYONE.

Immediate rewards: 1) You will help the folks to sleep well at night. 2) You’ll never be left out of any large gatherings (advantageous networks). 3) When the folks want to argue with liberals they’ll turn to you to speak up for them. 4) You will move from being a "trusted friend" to "a leader."

Step Five. Remind GOPers again, again, and again that they never did anything wrong when creating the greatest country in history.

When you're eventually hanging out with a large group of influential good people listen carefully to what they have to say: if, by chance, they've been upset by another whiney social justice warrior yammering on about the civil war make sure you seize on this opportunity! It’s pure prospector gold.

Gently, but firmly, look everyone in the room in the eye and remind them of the following: America only came about because God wanted America to exist as a force for good in a rotting world; He wanted all nations of the world to come under one roof and abide by his word; Europeans heard God’s call and moved quickly to the land of hope and opportunity; Africans, because of some unexplained neurological failing, didn’t hear God’s call; God urged European-Americans to bring Africans to America so His will could be fulfilled; The Middle Passage was merely God’s way of moving over as many Africans as He could to America in large numbers at a decent speed; when European-Americans finally enter heaven God will thank them for their bravery, and for enduring the almost unbearable emotional strain of giving African–Americans the big push they needed to reach America.

Major reward:  A quick promotion from leader to sainthood.

Step Six. Blame everything on liberals and always, always slag off black Democrats.

Republicans don’t understand why blacks don’t vote for them in large numbers and feel they're  wasting good time and money on a hopeless cause. If you want to really save the GOP from itself, it's imperative you help the good folks stop wasting their time chasing the black vote. Do this and you will be held in higher regard then Reagan himself.  Simply remind the folks  of the obvious: 1) The Republicans are the party of faith. 2) The Democrats are a godless party. 3) Blacks who vote for Democrats are therefore under the sway of Satan and have been rendered deaf to the party of God. Ignore these foolish, easily led people. Focus on the ordinary, hard working folks out there and everything will work out great!

Most prominent follower of Ben Carson 6 Step Program: President Donald J Trump.