Square Raisins

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The Slow Death Of American Privilege

White Privilege (Noun)

In critical race theory, a way of conceptualizing racial inequalities that focuses as much on the advantages that white people accrue from society as on the disadvantages that non-white people experience. Wikipedia.

....which is a very fancy way of describing the racist philosophy that advocates the belief that white people are superior to non-whites and that the most intellectually challenged white is superior to the most intellectually gifted black.

Consider the following: Donald Trump currently has a historically low approval rating of 36 per cent. The vast majority of American citizens believe he is incompetent. Numerous American courts have stated that his executive orders on immigration are unconstitutional and have stepped in to prevent his presidential orders becoming law. Leading American commentators are openly questioning his mental and emotional stability.

Simply put the current American president cannot govern his own country.

And yet the President, his political party, and many Americans still believe Donald Trump has the God given right to lecture, insult and dictate policy to elected officials from other countries; is capable of breaking thousands of years of enmity between ancient religions and cultures; has the ability to out-negotiate and outmanoeuvre the best and brightest strategists the Russians, Iranians, Germans, Afghanistanis, Africans and Chinese have to offer.

All because Trump is American, and it's a given that any American is smarter and more gifted than anyone who wasn't born on American soil, raised on American values and educated in American institutions. 

The likes of Bush, Obama and Clinton all stand within Trump's arrogant shadow.

All of these presidents were considered illegitimate by half of their nation. The notion that half of the American electorate will continue to elect a president that the other half of their country doesn't regard as their rightful leader, who can still go onto to claim to be the leader of the free world is patently ridiculous and, thanks to Donald Trump, increasingly untenable.