The Boat Refugees Could Have Saved Theresa May.

If Theresa May had wanted to understand the motivations of the great British electorate she should have polled all those nasty refugees about their shared British values 

Whatever happens after this election no serious politician will entertain the notion that the British public is an untapped pool of dynamic capitalists who are desperate to launch their own businesses, invest their hard won zillions in the stock market and create thousands of jobs for their deserving workers.

No, no, and no again.

The great British public has a wide-eyed, all too clear understanding of the brutal fickleness of the national, regional and local job market. It wants the guaranteed, built in protection of a fully functioning welfare state – rent support, child support, food support, unemployment benefits – to be maintained above all else!   

An unbreakable welfare safety net for life, sensibly remains the order of the day.

Apparently Theresa May and her diehard, fanatical, blood or billions Tory capitalists [SO1] didn’t see this coming.

Perhaps Mrs. May and her Daily Telegraph loving sycophants should have asked all those nasty black, welfare-loving refugee foreigners, you know the ones who don’t share British values, why they were so intent on getting to Britain? Had she done this, she would have learned the filthy, workshy foreigners have quite a lot in common with the Brits who just voted for Corbyn.

The most common shared value? 

Knowing a good deal when you see it.




samuel johnson