Michael Flynn Has Blown Washington's Collective Brain.


Take a slow breath, sit back in your chair and imagine that Hillary Clinton had narrowly beaten Donald J. Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Imagine if less than a month into President Clinton's presidency, her National Security Advisor resigned because of a dubious relationship with Turkey and then, after being asked to explain his actions to a senate committee, only agreed to testify if given immunity.

What do you think the response of the Republican Party members and their leader Paul Ryan would be? What about the likes of Fox and Friends? Hannity? O’Reilly? Michael Savage? Rush Limbaugh? These folks are all  outstanding patriots, have high moral standards, and claim to value the security of the United States above all else; President Clinton’s inability to effectively screen her flawed National Security Advisor before hiring him would have offered up even more proof  of Clinton's lack of fitness for office and her inability to   protect the homeland.  

Imagine, if you can, that President Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Chief came clean and admitted he had proposed to Russian representatives  - as far back as 2005 - that he would do his best too ensure that major decision makers within the Democratic Party looked kindly upon Putin’s policies and actions ... Step forward Paul Manafort, the man Donald Trump and his vaunted band of advisors hired to run Trump’s 2016 election campaign. Manafort has admitted to acting as a foreign lobbyist (agent)  for over ten years.

If these facts became known to the defeated Candidate Trump, he would surely be forcefully demanding President Clinton resign immediately, and this demand would be fully supported by his supporters and allies. 

Candidate Trump won the election and remains impervious to any and all accepted norms of conduct, and the Democrats don't have a media resource anywhere near as effective as Fox News. 

How bad is  the Michael Flynn debacle for Trump?

To answer this question properly, some perspective on the scale of Flynn’s appallingly venal betrayal is required: General Flynn’s predecessors as National Security Advisor include the likes of Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, Condoleezza Rice; these were all powerful, strong-minded individuals whose advise and input to their respective Presidents helped shape American global policy and directly affected the historical course of the West and far beyond to this present day: Nixon/Kissinger – China and Watergate; George Bush Jnr and Condoleezza Rice – the “Axis of Evil” policy and the disastrous invasion of Iraq.

The mere notion that an individual who has held the post of National Security Advisor would ever seek immunity from prosecution is staggering; that this is actually happening, in today's rapid and dangerous world, points to a degree of incompetence and lack of due process at the highest levels of American government that no words can adequately summarise.

If Flynn isn’t paid off quickly and he testifies, this is all going to get ugly very quickly.

Even better, it’s going to be spectacular!

samuel johnson