Square Raisins

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James Comey, Please Go Away!


Good FBI directors should, like good tennis umpires, perform their duties so well they are almost invisible and never overshadow the game.

The public attend sporting matches to watch great athletes compete against each other. They don’t go to famous sporting venues such as Wimbledon or Madison Gardens to watch match officials make poor line decisions, constantly alter game momentum, and egregiously alter the natural outcome of matches.  

James Comey is a career public official. A backroom boy whose name and opinions should never feature in the national political debate, let alone affect the outcome of 2016 US election. The proposition that Democrats are now trying to deploy Comey to alter or terminate the Trump presidency is surely untenabel. The United States is a democracy and founded upon the notion of its leaders being elected by and for the people. The attempts by the Democrats to use high-ranking public servanst to oust elected national leaders from office cannot be a good thing for a functioning democracy. 

Trump may be an imperfect presiden but there is absolutely no evidence that the great American public has any enthusiasm for him to be kicked out of office or fatally damaged less then five months into his first year of term. 

The American public believe that if they’ve elected a president to serve a term of office, he should have the chance to enact his campaign promises; political ideas are after all only truly tested in the labarorty of the public sphere

It’s one thing to seek to stop legislation one disagrees with in congress and the senate, it’s another, for the purposes of naked political expediency, to try and removed legally elected heads by any means other than the ballot box.

Was Richard Nixon a scumbag? Yes. The fallout and bad smell left behind from his Nixon’s impeachment still linger; the wounds from the attempt to impeach Bill Clinton are still raw; the means by which Margaret Thatcher was removed from office by her own parliamentarians are still visible within the Conservative Party; attempts by Labour stalwarts to unseat the present Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have opened massive fault lines within the Labour party.

I’m no fan of Trump but I can’t get away from the belief that America would be a much healthier and a much more harmonious country if Trump is defeated at the ballot box and not removed from office by legal machinations, however well justified.