The Dr. Avi Bucksbaum Tapes: Trump on Lincoln.

The Dr. Avi Bucksbaum Tapes: Session 07

#Tape 0032. Trump on Lincoln.

Whatever people say about me they can’t deny I keep it real. Lincoln was a big fat fake. Everything about him was a con. That hat. The clothes.  I get it. He understood how to sell himself. He came from nowhere, I can respect that. But that doesn’t change the fact that he was a fake. Have you seen pictures of Lincoln without the beard? The guy looked like a joke. Without the beard he had nothing. The beard got him in through the door.  What price would you put on that beard today? Without that beard he could never have gotten folks to follow him. The whole war thing would have been different. I mean different big time.

Folks will get mad at me for saying this but what was that war about anyway? It was a totally phony war. Totally. No one can tell me that war was about freeing the slaves. Come on.  Look at the world now and look at the world then. What was it all about. The slaves had a roof over their heads. Solid jobs. Regular food. And their kids were looked after. Now look at everything. Have you seen the state of our inner cities? They’re a disgrace.

The Democrats have been milking those people for decades and what have they got out of it? I can’t even understand how the Democrats get the votes out of those people. What have they done for them? Tell me one thing they’ve done for them. And they still get the vote. It’s crazy. How does the whole thing between the Democrats and the inner cities work? What’s the deal there?  The Democrats make all kinds of promises, deliver nothing, and I mean nothing, and they still get the votes.  For the Democrats it’s got to be the best deal in history. For the inner cities… You tell me. I mean I’d love to know. Whoever sold that deal to the inner cities must be a genius. Whoever it was I’d love to meet them. I’d hire them in a second. I could do wonders with a guy like that.

How can anyone say the inner cities are working? The state is picking up the bill for everything. No one has a job there. No one works. I’m sure they want to work but there are no jobs; no good ones anyway, unless you’re a drug deal or pimp.  Maybe that’s good enough for some people. I don’t know. I don’t know.

Like I said the welfare costs are totally out of control. Working people are paying for that bill out of their taxes. They work, they get taxed on top of their taxes, and those same taxes pay for people who have no interest in working. How does that work? Before Lincoln came along working people who had those folks working for them on their farms paid for those folks’ needs directly out of their business overheads. Everything was accounted for before they had to pay their taxes.

I’m not saying that times weren’t tough back then for the folks at the bottom but they had an organized life. They had work and a structure. Walk around Chicago now. Where do you see the structure? What structure have all of those establishment liberals given these people? People are getting screwed and they’re going along with it. There’s no structure. I understand structure. I’m the best guy at structuring there’s ever been. And I’m a good leader. People follow me because they trust me. Pardon the pun but when the whip needs cracking, I can crack the whip. But I’m fair. I’m always fair.  When I come down on people they know where I’m coming from. They know it’s for their own good.

Look around you. What good did Lincoln do? Look at his record. He broke up businesses. Good, hard working family businesses that made this country great. He never built up anything in his life. He was a destroyer. I’m a builder. Look at how many good people died on both sides for that phony war. What did they die for? You have eyes. Look around you. What did they die for?

I would have solved everything. No one would have got hurt if I was president then. I would have built a wall and kept all the troublemakers apart. I would have given people a choice. You want to live on that side of the wall or on this side of the wall? Everyone would have been happy. You can’t force people to live together who don’t want to live together. It’s simple. And it would have been a beautiful wall too. Something people could look at and admire.

Do you know how big that wall would have been? Everyone would have been too busy building the wall to fight.  We’d build this big, beautiful wall and we’d have everyone working together. Black, White, Latinos, you name it.

Let me tell you something for free. When working guys are working they’re too busy to fight. Ask their wives. When my guys finish working, when they get home, they’re like lambs. Anyone can push them around. All they want to do is eat and sleep and get ready for work the next day.

Everyone says Lincoln was a great president, right? How many jobs did Lincoln create? I’m willing to be he never thought of building a wall. It never crossed his mind. Why would it? He was an establishment politician. He wasn’t a negotiator. I know everything there is to know about negotiating. I would have got the slaves the best deal ever, and I do mean ever-r-r.


samuel johnson