Run and Hide. No One Is Safe

The President is in a fight to the death with his haters and any poor innocents who get caught in the middle of this fight are going down and every single member of the White House staff is ducking for cover. 

The ugly power battle between a right wing increasingly imperial president and the institutions and forces of a progressive liberal society is growing uglier and more intense by the day. One thing is clear, this is an all or nothing fight to the death between the left and the right; winning is the only thing that counts.

No asset will be spared. No ugly little secret will remain out of the public domain. No secretive conversation will remain private. No non-partisan relationship will be left unstrained. No hard won reputation is unassailable.  The President will go down or he’ll end up standing triumphant over the bloodied bodies of his enemies.

The smell of fear emerging from the White House right now is almost overwhelming. Every single person who works at the White House, everyone who works indirectly for the president knows they have a bullseye on their back.  Everyone who walks through the halls of the White House knows that they will be (at a moment’s notice) be thrown under the bus to shore up and protect this beleaguered presidency. No one is safe. 

There is only one piece of advice that can be given to White House staffers.

Get out now while you can!

And if you're thinking of signing up to work for Trump

Take up surfboarding! Go work down the mines! Emigrate to another country!  

Run! Find a safe place! Hide! 


samuel johnson