Hillary Wants To Re-Run The Crooked Race Again

The Huffington Post recently ran a piece about Hillary being maniacally cheered by audience members when she went to see the play Hamilton at a New York theatre.

It’s clear Clinton believes she was robbed of winning the election by several unfair and occasionally quasi-illegal actions that warrant a re-run of the 2016 election, even if that re-run takes form in her being nominated as the Democratic candidate for president in 2020. The Huffington Post “article” is part of a small but significant effort to build up support for Clinton’s potential 2020 effort by testing the waters.

Clinton clearly blames her 2016 loss on a collection of unfortunate events that include: Trump’s collusion with the Russians, Obama’s failure to act against the Russians, Comey’s on/off again investigation, managerial incompetence of the part of the Democratic Party, anti-woman female socialists, sexist female Republicans, lazy young voters who weren’t prepared to vote for their own future, disaffected blacks and Latino voters who only cared about Obama and a public latrine in Pittsburg that broke open and spilled water into a voting booth and prevented nine democrats from voting for her and… so on.  

Hillary and her ever loyal backers  (well-paid Democrats over 50) are convinced that if she was given another crack at Trump, with important lessons learned and corrected – campaign resources focused on turning out the youth vote, a few contrite visits to white states she couldn’t be bothered to grace with her presence before, a meatier economic message that ensures white poor of a sustained economic advantage over their black and Latino counterparts,  and more distance(a lot fucking more) between herself Obama(that rat-faced, back-stabbing prick) – she’ll  bag the election and take up the job that is rightfully hers.

The fact that Hillary Clinton even has enough emotional stamina left to even contemplate taking on Trump again is quite breathtaking. The near inexhaustible depths of Clinton’s will power, her Jesuit-like refusal to ever be knocked out for the count by the legion of Clinton hating apostates and keep on fighting to the last bell forces even her severest critics into awed silence.

Awe, silence, respect – these are qualities Clinton has proved time and time again she can regularly instill in an audience. The (supposedly) giddy cheers of the tearful New York theatre audience prove Clinton, who remains a major celebrity, can trigger a reaction in a celebrity obsessed crowd. But the audience’s reaction was for a noble celebrity loser and in American society in general and American politics specifically, being a noble loser is akin to being the Head Girl of an exiled Leper Colony, which is pretty much where Clinton and the Democratic party stand right now.

Clinton can just about handle the part of a humbled, noble loser, and like any other politician she’ll always respond well to the sound of cheers and applause. Unfortunately, Clinton has never been able to generate this same enthusiasm and affection while she was trying to win an election. The donors of her party must know all too well that the evidence of the past twenty-five years suggest she never will. 



samuel johnson