Trump Continues To Bleed Russian Red

President Trump may well have committed an error that will potentially permanently stain, mortally wound and perhaps even lead to the premature end of his presidency. Predictably, bizarrely, the error is linked to Russia. 

According to the Washington Post and the New York Times, President Trump, during his recent meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, boasted about secret information he was aware of; the information came from a critical source of intelligence placed within the Islamic State and spoke openly about important highly classified code words that the Russians could use to track down the provider of the secret information.

The information been provided by a U.S. partner via a top-level intelligence-sharing arrangement. The information had been withheld from key allies and was restricted to the highest levels of U.S. government. The intelligence partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia.

The information is supposed to pertain directly to the capacity of Isis to place bombs upon international aircraft, perhaps the preeminent security issue facing governments.

For a president whose relationship is already strained with his own security services, this is a disaster.

If these reports are true this is, by any measure, an unmitigated disaster for President Trump.


samuel johnson