Was The 2016 Trump Scare A Rehearsal For The Real Thing?

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced the 2016 “Trump Scare” was a rehearsal by some unscrupulous Trump hating bastards for the real thing.

Last year on November 6, 2016 Donald Trump was rushed off stage when his security team feared a bystander in the crowd was about to shoot him. This turned out to be a false alarm.

I'm not so sure about this. 

Trump is so determined to shake up the status quo that it’s impossible to think of “The Powers That Be” allowing him to carry on.

We’ve been prepared. The deed has been put in our heads. We’re ready to accept the coup when it happens.

Note: What's happened to the innocent man who was thrown out of the Trump gathering after being mistaken for someone who wanted to hurt Trump? Rumour has it that Lee Harvey Oswald actually tried to assassinate a few major senior figures before successfully taking aim at JFK.

There is an old saying that rumbles on about "The More You Practice".

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