Square Raisins

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Trump’s Future Is Already Visible

Hilary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump came as a big shock to many. I wasn’t so shocked having read online in TMZ, the Daily Mail and the Washington Post that Clinton had cancelled her celebratory fireworks several days before the announcement of the election results.  Here’s the Freya Berry headline from the November Daily Mail.com.

Does she know something they're not admitting to? Clinton CANCELS New York election night fireworks display – and her electoral college lock falters

Does she know something they're not admitting to?

 We all know the answer now.

Donald Trump is remaining as producer of the Apprentice and can’t stop scolding Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is now helming the show, for the low ratings accompanying Arnold’s debut season. 

This small nugget is enough.

I cannot see Donald Trump, under any circumstance, willingly to serve a two term President.  He got in. He has the keys to kingdom. He obviously intends to serve out one term as President and then move on.  He’ll possibly hand over the reins to Mike Pence or enjoy making everyone else kiss his arse as the unassailable President-King maker. And he won’t take any flak for quitting after four years. He’ll simply claim that he only needed one term to do what every other incompetent needed eight years to do.

Four years will give him enough to make a load of back room deals for the future. With the deals and the contracts and the handshakes securely in place for his family and the nascent political movement he’s building to profit by, he’ll be out that door so fast all we’ll see one long blonde blur trailing all the way back to New York.