Margaret Thatcher, Theresa May & The Old Boys' Network
It’s hard to believe this, but twenty-six years have passed since England elected its last female Prime Minister. The Old Boy Network that still controls the Tory party is still recovering from what at times has appeared to be a near-incurable trauma.
For decades the Tory power brokers have used one guiding principle to elect their leaders: “As long as the little bugger isn’t like Margaret, he will do!”
Six years after the Iron Maiden passed on from this mortal veil, the Tory party was only prepared to “go there” again and elect Theresa May as its leader after dropping a massive enema on Europe and placing the battered Union on an alarmingly short suicide watch.
Margaret Thatcher essentially led a government-sanctioned assault against anyone who didn’t look like they fitted into her home town of Grantham, and shared the same philosophy and religion as the people of Grantham.
Over the past two decades, this “anyone who doesn’t look and talk like Margaret” approach has led to the election of a bunch of overgrown, smug schoolboys; smug, narcissistic Etonian rag heads whose only desire is to boast they won the top job and to prove to their doubting parents that their exorbitant private school fees were not wasted. Now, a long-running student game of blind one-upmanship between two toxic rivals, Cameron and Johnson, has resulted in a broken government with Number 10's precious teapots and accumulated silver strewn all over the floor.
Tory voters might have believed they needed a Margaret-lite figure to stabilise their party and lead the back to sanity. Make no mistake the Old Boy Network will find every breath that comes out of May’s mouth to be intolerable. The Old boys regard Thatcher as a terrible experiment that must never be repeated. Gender equality and the modern world be damned.
Although Thatcher rocked the Old Boy’s network to its very core, she never came close to killing it off. In the end, the Old Boys took Thatcher out. In time, the Old Boys will also take out the Uk’s second female PM at the first opportunity.