Trump Has Become Boring, So What’s The Point Of Him?

I walked through my front door, strolled into my lounge and turned on the television. President Donald Trump popped onto my screen by way of CNN. I groaned, lifted the remote to change the channel and then I stayed my hand. Maybe he was about to announce an imminent invasion of Venezuela? Maybe he’d ordered a fleet of nuclear carriers to barricade Antarctica off from the Russians and claim the continent’s untapped resources as America’s newest energy frontier. 

No, the President, with his usual, glassy-eyed intellectual vacancy, warbled on about how his precious wall is being built right now and looking great. Stopping the invasion of Mexican criminals into America. Removing the poison of socialism from his own person hemisphere… Trump showed no sign of taking a break for questions or keeling over from a stroke and I lost my focus. 

Then I realised something odd was going on. Trump hadn’t repulsed or angered me. I wasn’t even irritated by him. I was merely bored. I didn’t care what he was talking about. He could have been warning us all about a planetary threat level; an incoming giant meteorite that would wipe out two thirds of the earth’s population and I wouldn’t have paid attention. Truth be told, if the meteorite had stopped him talking, I would have welcomed it. 

I know the old con man too well now. His act, his routine, call it what you will, is all played out. Every time he sits before a camera to speak to the people, we get the same old same old – his eyes flash with cruel disdain for those who disagree with him. He denounces any member of the FBI who has spoken ill of him as “Being bad for the country” and a “Loser.” He blames everything wrong in America, the world and the Milky Way on the Democrats. And he truly cannot understand how anyone doesn’t acknowledge that he is by some distance the greatest American president of all time. Yawn! 

I looked at this extraordinary superficial man, this spectacularly limited human, and could only wonder why I was wasting even sixty seconds of my life doing so. There is no policy insight to be gained from this bogus leader. No intellectual enlightenment, no emotional or spiritual lift to be gained from this increasingly fraudulent personality. No laughs. And zero entertainment value. 

And if Donald Trump doesn’t offer any entertainment, what is the point of him? 

My heart continued to sink as I realised there is another two years to endure of this spoiled, over entitled, fraud. Finally, I had only one sane response to this mentally inert mountain of self-reverential turgidity. 

I turned my television off.

samuel johnson