Square Raisins

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Megan And Harry Are Fighting A Bunch Of Mean Haters For Their Family’s Well-Being

I watched the Harry and Megan show on Netflix show.

The show has drawn much clamour. People are wondering how“we” and “they” get here.

Here’s my speculation: After receiving another dose of vicious hatred from members of the British press who loathe them, Meghan sat Harry down and said something like the following to her man.

Meghan: H, the royal family is a toxic hell-hole that destroys everything it touches. Everything to do with this family is about making you feel small and worthless and secondary. You’re a brave, smart, clever human being, and yet you’re supposed to spend your entire life kneeling to your grandmother, your father, and then your brother. You and I are supposed to spend the next fifty years of our lives contentedly living in the shadow cast by your brother, his wife and their children. Is Archie supposed to grow up bowing and scraping to them as well?

We’re supposed to give our time, freely, without complaint, to a British press that resents us and thinks it has the right to control us. The same press and the same family that ruined your mother’s life and your life and pisses on everything I do. And you’re supposed to accept us being mistreated like this with a smile? Why would you do that? Why would you expect me to do that? They helped to kill off your mother. They’ve made me feel suicidal. What are you going to do about it?

Your father didn’t give a damn about your mother. He let them bully and finish her. I didn’t marry your father. Can you be the father to Archie that your father never was to you? Can you be the husband to me that your father never was to Diana? Can you?

Harry: (Thoughtfully, after a long pause). All right, love, I hear you. I do.

Meghan: Do you?

Harry: I do. Trust me, I do.

Meghan: Then show me you understand. Don’t just talk. Show me.

And Harry did show her, and us, and his father, how to love and to stand by his wife and son.


My support for the couple finding peace and escaping mass bullying doesn’t negate any fact-based criticism of the couple on my part or by anyone else.