Is Jim Acosta of CNN showing signs of Chronic Donald Trump Fatigue Syndrome?

I hope that the major television and social networks are monitoring the mental health of their reporters, journalists and bloggers.

I would be curious after the Trump presidency is concluded to find out how many reporters asked for early retirement or requested leave in high end stress management centres and luxury Wellness spas because o CDTFS: Chronic Donald Trump Fatigue  Syndrome.

The strain of having to write about Mister Trump after day is mighty indeed. 

The first manifestation of CDTFS  is  a) a cognitive mental break down after  repeatedly failing to match Trump's word with reality. 

Visible signs include: repeated head shaking, constant stammering, glazed, unforced eyes, and  a general state of bewilderment. 

Notable Individuals showing signs  CDTFS

Jim Acosta of CNN . 

Anderson Cooper  of CNN. 

Alisyn Camerota of CNN.

Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany.  









Posttraumatic stress disorder ptsd

Posttraumatic stress disorder



samuel johnson