An American Citizen Was Killed By An American Nazi????

On the 12 of August 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, Heather Heyer, a 32-year old activist who repeatedly championed civil rights issues was murdered by an American born Nazi.

Heather Heyer was proudly steeped in the core values of an American nation that took the lead role in defeating  murderous genocidal German Nazi’s who wished to eradicate blacks, Jews and a swathe of non-Europeans from the planet.

Heather Heyer died while taking a stand against  murderous genocidal American born Nazis who wish to eradicate Blacks, Jews and a swathe of non-Europeans currently residing within the United States of America and around the world.

The fact that Heather Heyer died in 2017 at the hands of a hate-filled Nazi born in America, a country that claims to be the most virtuous, developed, most civilized democracy on the planet, is both stunning and scarcely credible. 

samuel johnson