Trump: An Employer Who Believes His Workers Have No Rights

Trump seems to believe the moment someone works for him, they are indebted to him and owe him their loyalty and fealty.  He seems to have forgotten that these men and women are highly qualified individuals who rose to their position because of their own abilities and hard work and are entitled to right of reply and measure of protection from their employer.

Welcome to the world of American Labour. In the UK and Europe workers have rights and it’s very hard to fire someone who is backed by trade unions and a raft of entrenched workers rights. In Sweden it is practically impossible to fire a worker even for the most extreme of crimes. Indeed for many companies in Sweden it is easier to close a company down and rehire a whole raft of staff then fire one employee who is backed by a strong union; no such protection exists in America where workers can be fired on the spot without any warnings and without any expectation of employers providing pay for the rest of the month. 

This is the Boss Employer culture Donald Trump has been immersed in all of his life. 

Donald Trump does not believe that government employees have any right to disagree with him or should not immediately enact his wishes without any query or hesitation. He does not understand that he is the head of a democratic nation state founded upon the notion that all men and women are equal, possess free will, and should be allowed to express their free will and opinion without fear of intimidation, retribution or punishment.

The sooner President Trump remembers that his most important duty is to protect the rights of all American citizens, including those who work for him, the better. 

samuel johnson